
Monday, February 4, 2008

House Beautiful & The Design Directory of Window Treatments

I've hit the big time - House Beautiful knows I'm alive !!!!!! I was so thrilled to find out the they have highlighted my book on their website.

They say " Everything you ever wanted to know about window treatments and then some. Serious truth in advertising here. This is a design directory (and handbook, dictionary, encyclopedia, etc. )"
"Jackie Von Tobel doesn't want you to just look out the windows -- she wants you to dress them up!"

Forgive me for my shameless self promotion but I am just so excited. In all of my years as a designer I never envisioned my name being associated with House Beautiful.. I have to say this is one of the great perks of writing a book!!!!! Now I just have to cross my fingers and see if they put me in the Magazine. Maybe I should write them several hundred anonymous emails suggesting that they highlight my book in the next issue! You never know - it might work!


  1. yes!!!! Mazel Tov!!! You deserve it, that book is like a bible. Hope you get tons of sales from the website.

  2. Linda, Meg & Miss Joni, Thanks so much for your kind words.

  3. Jackie, I attended one of you IWEC seminars in DC last year. You were so inspiring and informative I got much out of your presentation. I need to get your book and soon!

  4. Cemaya, So glad to hear from you. I will be giving new seminars at the Window Coverings Expo in Atlanta at the end of March. Hope you can make it.

  5. I am so happy for you. This is your 'Curtain Call'. Way to go!

  6. Jackie - you were always big time, it's House Beautiful that is just catching up! Congrats!

  7. Congrats, Jackie! That's wonderful!

  8. Congratulations! That is wonderful news!


  9. A huge congrats! How wonderful!
