
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Back From the IWCE in Atlanta

I just got back from Atlanta after giving seminars at The International Window Coverings Expo. I had no idea the extent of the damage caused by the tornado that struck there two weeks age. It was amazing that they were able to go ahead with the show as most of the glass had been blown out of the buildings. All of the high rises in the downtown area had many of their windows covered with plywood. It was all very surreal.

The Expo was a great success with the high point for me being the party I co-hosted with Debbie and Casey Green of Minutes Matter to announce our new partnership. Thanks to everyone who attended - I hope you had a great time.

Cheryl Bray of The Custom Home Furnishings Academy did a live demonstration on the show floor on how to construct one of the treatments in my book. She and some of her fellow CHFA teachers did a fantastic job. Thanks to everyone who participated.

I'm not scheduled to go out of town now until May - HOOOORRRAYYYYYY
Traveling can really suck the energy out of you. I am just going to relax and work on my bedding book for the net few months. Hopefully I'll have more time to post.


  1. Hi Jackie!

    Great pics of the of the working workroom! I think I took one of those:)
    Great to see your drapery drawings...come to life right at the show!
    So glad we got to meet in Atlanta!

    Take Care,

  2. Parfait? Do I see parfaits!!!

    I wish I could have attended this year however....

    Enjoy your 'downtime'.

  3. Kay Ellen, It was great to meet you as well and thanks for all of your hard work.

    Yes! We had parfaits and I was told they were delicious - I never found out myself as I underestimated their hypnotic power on a room full of hungry convention goers. They were wiped out in the first half hour!!

  4. Jackie:
    Guess what! My friend/associate Monica won your book at the show! She was so excited!!!!!

    Thanks so much for meeting her, I really appreciate that.

  5. Jackie,
    It was so great to meet you face to face at the show. I look forward to a long working relationship with you. You have such a talent in the window coverings industry.
