
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bedding - A Meaningful Perspective

After spending a full year designing and drawing luxury bedding I was taken aback by the pictures of this unbelievable bedding that my handsome husband emailed to me. It certainly puts the subject of bedding in a new light. While we look for beautiful ways to adorn our bed chambers there are many in the world with no place to sleep at all.

This duvet cover and pillow cases are designed to look like flattened cardboard boxes. A staple design element for those living on the street. It is part of Le Clochard Quilt Cover Project by SZN. The project hopes to assist young homeless people in The Netherlands by providing temporary housing and continuing education. Duvet Cover - $73 - $117, Pillow Cases - $22


  1. Wow! This was such a powerful post. How fantastic of your husband to email it to you. It's a truly brilliant concept.

  2. Jackie - thanks for the poignant reminder. As we worry about falling housing prices, we at least have houses, and warm beds, to worry about.

  3. A poignant post, Jackie. We are truly blessed, and this is a great project. Off to check it all out now.
    xo Lidy

  4. With winter coming soon on the east coast, there's a huge risk of 100's dying from the cold.

  5. Nice blog… you can find more bedding., which can be used to decorate home.
