
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Winter House in Russia

What do you do for fun in St. Petersburg Russia in the middle of winter? According to the locals you build an ice house - or in this case a giant ice palace.

Complete with ice landscaping, furnishings and accessories.

An ice dressing room. Are those boots Jimmy Choo on ice?

Every ice palace needs a throne room

And to my delight there is a draped bed in the Master Ice Bedroom!!! See the rest of the luxury igloo here.


  1. remember dr zhivago ???

    i loved the winter scenes when he and laura had run away and were hiding in the frozen country house.


  2. Love this! Love the detail - like the balustrade and finials. Thanks for the link!

  3. Grogeous - reminds me of Dr. Zhivago - oohohoh - I see Renee beat me to that!haha

    love your new header.

  4. what beautiful photos, thanks for sharing, so lovely but makes me shiver to look at them. i always enjoy your blog thanks again
    happy holidays
