Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Calling all Boudoirs

As I have mentioned, I am currently writing and illustrating a book on bedding & bedroom furnishings. If you have designed or come across any interesting bedding, pillows, headboards etc. Please send them to me, I would love to include them in my illustrations.

Here is a set of bedding I did for a clients pre-teen daughter. It looked like a yummy assortment of Italian ices when it was finished. I wish all of the beautiful beaded trim showed up in this picture but you can barely see it. I need to invest in a better camera.

One of the keys to specifying beautiful pillows is to always use 75/25 down and feather pillow inserts (unless you have allergy issues). 90/10 inserts can be too feathery and the quills can poke through the pillow face. Order your inserts 1 to 2 inches larger than your finished pillow size for optimal firmness.

You can never have too many pillows !!!!

1 comment:

blah said...

oo these are delicious too!! I'm having so much fun:-)!