I've been working day & night on two new book covers. First, my new book, The Design Directory of Bedding. Above is the fabric that won the cover contest featured here. I think it will be a good backdrop to my illustrations.
Designing book covers is much harder than it looks especially for someone like me who has no clue what they are doing. I have a book designer that I work with that is provided for me by my publisher. She does all of the fine tuning and interior layout etc. But I still have to draw the color illustration and find the cover fabric. So here is the process.

Then I decide I don't like it and that it needs brighter color and a table with a lamp...so I redraw it.

Then I try it out on a mock up of the cover.

Now it goes off to my editor for approval or another re-do.
Cover number two is for the new book I am writing with Minutes Matter. It's a marketing book for the interior design industry which will be released early next year ( more to come on this later) . Luckily one of my partners at MM, Casey Green is a super talented graphic artist and an extraordinary business women. She is doing all of the designing I just give her my input.
Cover #2 Added more color
Cover #7 is the winner.
You'd never know how much work goes into creative efforts that is never seen. I have hundreds of drawings and mock covers that will never see the light of day (probably for the best). It makes me wonder how many really great artists threw away masterpieces because they didn't like the finished product. I'd love to see go dumpster diving over at Picaso's or Monet's place.
you blow me away with your knowledge,guts, and talent.
you go girl !!
i am so proud of you and grateful to know you.
Wow! Stellar illustrations! I design books too so I totally hear ya when it comes to revisions! *giggle*
Thank you for the great glimpse into the workings of book publishing, the work that goes into it is just amazing. Great work!
Your book looks amazing!!!!I knew it would:)
Love your new banner on your blog too!
Thank you for stopping by and wishing a happy birthday.
Didn't really like seeing all those candles...ugh!
Thanks Renee you are always so sweet!
Jennifer, what type of books do you design? I have a book designer that does the layout of my books but I have never met her or talked to her. I go through my editor.
Sweet Designs, Thanks for stopping by.
Kay Ellen , my cake will melt before I can blow out the candles this year - ouch!!!!
This is the first time I've been to your blog - and I'm in love with your drawings. I'm able to do really great floor plan drawings, but nothing like you have here. What pens/pencils do you use? Where did you learn? What are your tips? Do you teach!?!? LOL! Fantastic, I'm just in awe!
This is the first time I've been to your blog - and I'm in love with your drawings. I'm able to do really great floor plan drawings, but nothing like you have here. What pens/pencils do you use? Where did you learn? What are your tips? Do you teach!?!? LOL! Fantastic, I'm just in awe!
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