It was a busy week around here that included a black tie gala dinner and cocktails with James Bond , doing homework for my daughter who is in design school in San Francisco and listening to a design legend while sipping Mimosa's served by boy toys in skin tight tee shirts emblazoned with the designer's name, Gary Hutton. Now, I now that most of you are saying to yourselves, Jackie doesn't even get dressed until 10am and she won't leave the house unless it's on fire! Yes this is true but I made a rare exception this week and actually participated in these events.
First was the Nevada Cancer Institute, Bond for the Cure 2008, to which we scored some hard to come by invites courtesy of my husbands job. Thanks R&R.
Then it was off to the gourmet dinner and live auction where the highlight of the evening was a soon to be released, limited edition, Aston Martin convertible that was auctioned off for the bargain price of $360,000.00! (apparently the recession hasn't hit this crowd yet) This was followed by a pair of front row tickets for the Madonna concert the next evening that only brought in a cool $12,000.
But wait, the evening wasn't over yet! We filed into an adjacent theater to watch the US premier of the new James Bond flick. Complimentary cocktails, gourmet popcorn and candy were at your disposal. It really was a first class event.
Bond was hot - the movie was not!
The next few days of the week were spent collecting fabric samples for my daughters materials class. They had more than a few that I had never heard of which surprised me! I thought I new everything. Most of them were fashion fabrics and not home decor related so I felt better about my supposed expert status on fabrics and soft furnishings. My god, I'm glad I'm not in school anymore, homework really sucks.
Yesterday I spent the day at the Las Vegas World Market Design Center's, All That Glitters event. A day long series of seminars, new product showings, and a call for submission from the editors of Western Interiors and Design Magazine who also sponsored the fantastic seminar given by "The Dean of Western Design" Gary Hutton.

I couldn't take any photos at the seminar but we walked in to find two "boy toys" at either side of the stage posing like something out of Ambercrombie & Fitch complete with the skin tight clothes and pouty, "zoolander" smiles (remember blue steel?). Mr. Hutton introduced himself and directed an entourage of servers to distribute Mimosas through the crowd. Now this is my kind of educational event - it's 10:30 in the morning and I'm being served champagne while watching pretty boys strike a pose! If this is what all of the seminars in the new educational series are going to be like at the Design Center I will be there for every event. Seriously - it was so refreshing, humorous and unexpected, it was one of the best seminars I have ever attended.

His mantra seems to be, do something you love but take the time to love it while you're doing it. You can see the passion he has for his work, it is evident in the work itself but also in the man. He is lighthearted, jovial and full of energy.

For a designer of his caliber who specializes in working with uber high-end clients who have a passion for collecting art, you might expect him to be a bit stuffy or elitist. His demeanor is exactly the opposite. He is approachable, down to earth and very entertaining. It was a pleasure to meet him. His furniture collection is extensive and is available through his website here.

I also had the opportunity to show my books to the gregarious editor in chief of Western Interiors and Design , Michael Wollaeger. Read his blog here, it's a who's who of west coast design superstars.
As for the rest of my week - who knows what I'll be up to!
Enjoy your weekend.........................
Wow Jackie. That's quite a week.
It sounds like my kind of design seminar. Lots to look at, if you know what I mean.
I have enjoyed living vicariously through you this week.
Hey Brooke, That's one of the great things about living in Vegas, there's always lots of great events going on.
Great week for you....
Gary Hutton has a distinct look. I really like it.
I especially like the sofa with the large contemporary painting above it.
He has cornered that market on 'perfect impact'.
According to you and Gean Shallot(sp?),
I guess I will take 'a pass' on that Bond movie.
Hey Renee,
I know some people who saw it and liked it. I just thought the plot was idiotic but then it always worth going to see just to oogle bond!
I'm jealous! And to have that many boy toys at your disposal all week? Lovely! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I love San Francisco architecture too! I was just there yesterday looking at all the beautiful buildings! I got so caught up in looking that I forgot to take pics for my blog!
That is one big week...
Just discovering your blog and liking it!
I enjoy Western Interiors and Design even though I'm based in Michigan the style presented is perfect!
Sean Connery
Roger Moore
That other Dude
Pierce Brosnan
Daniel Craig
Who's your favorite?
I think for the most part they all have their charms. I liked Pierce Brosnan because they let him have a sense of humor. The new Bond does not have a funny bone, he is 100% testosterone.
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