
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Best Book Buys for Fall

Even with high gas prices and a troubled economy I have to find a few bucks to spend on the new crop of design books coming out this fall. Here are a few on my wish list.

I can't decide which one is going to be my favorite, although I love the covers of a few of them. The giant airbrushed glamor shot of Barclay Butera is a bit disturbing - I'd rather look at photos of his two mini-dachshunds or his classic interiors.

Happy Reading!


  1. Hi there!
    I am here to introduce myself. I am new to the Blog community and would like to meet new people. Your blog attracts me, so I posted a link on my site. Stop by and say hi sometime~

  2. Great list! I have pre-ordered some of these, but there are a few I may have to add!

  3. Hi Jackie,
    I have a hard time deciding which is my favorite too... They are all wonderful!
    You made me chuckle with your comment about BB you have the funniest sense of humor:)


  4. Hi, I just recently found your blog, which I am really enjoying. You are so talented love all the "drawings"!

  5. I am looking forward to the Celerie Kemble and Michael Smith books. Also Domino has a new book being released.
