
Monday, August 25, 2008

San Francisco Bound

Getting my daughter ready to move to college in San Francisco has been fun but it's also been a full time job for the past two months (one of the may reasons my posting has been so lacking ) . Shopping, shopping and more shopping for bedding, clothes, and lots of useless crap she doesn't really need! Did you have a TV and DVD player in your dorm? How about a pink laptop? I know I didn't. Worrying about every little detail and setting up all of the essentials for her new life on her own has been exhausting.

We are finally leaving on Wednesday and we have crammed some of her new belongings into four, very large, packing boxes which had to be pre-shipped, since we are flying, to the hotel where my husband and I are staying ( Thanks UPS) .

She has "severely limited" her collection of clothing to three, large, grotesquely overstuffed suitcases which threaten to explode at any minute. She has enough clothing to outfit the entire dorm and then some.

Thankfully we are flying on Southwest so we don't have to pay extra for her gargantuan luggage! Thank you Southwest - this means a lot to me.

We had to rent a min-van so we can schlep all of her junk from the airport to the hotel and then form the hotel to the dorm. I still have no idea how we are going to get her giant 68 pound boxes up to her room but then again that's my husbands problem! I didn't want to be "those parents" who let their spoiled kid bring way too much stuff, but I think I lost that battle about a month ago.

It is so exciting to see her having so much fun getting ready for school. I only hope she enjoys attending classes half as much. Living in a big city like San Francisco is going to be a big change for her but I think she will take to it. If not - sorry - but tough luck because I am not moving all of this stuff back home!


  1. how exciting! what college is she going to?

  2. Joni,
    She's going to The Academy of Art University which is smack dab in the middle of downtown San Francisco. Her dorm is three blocks from Union Square She will be majoring in Interior Design! Shocker, huh??? She wants to be a set designer.

  3. I always enjoy reading Jackie Blue Home.

    I just got back from doing the same with my daughter in Nashville! I know what you mean about a full time job, but at least you still post! (I can't seem to get any blogging done when so much is going on personally.)

    And, no, I certainly didn't have all the stuff they have now, especially not in my dorm room!

    It was fun, though, shopping for bedding,lamps, a rug, and other decorative things.......hmmm, wonder why I liked that part of the whole ordeal?!

    Thanks for a great post - sounds like an exciting place to be in school. Ann

  4. Good luck with everything! I will be going through the same thing in a couple of years. Bittersweet I bet!

  5. All the best to your daughter on this very exciting new chapter of her life. And the pink laptop is what every girl should have in her dormn room. I want one and maybe a Mom like you to go along with it!

  6. All the best to your daughter ! I'm sure it will be a fantastic experience

  7. Thank you for all the kind comments. We just went to dinner on our last night with her in San Francisco and I am dreading tomorrow when I have to leave her here. On one hand I am so excited for her but on the other I am scared to death! I'm sure it will all work out well but it's going to make a huge change in my life.

  8. Hi Jackie!

    Big step in your daughters life and you to I'm sure...
    I will be thinking of you this week!

    Love it! She wants to be a set designer!!!Very cool:)

    Take care mom:)

  9. Can you imagine this: at 18 I went to SF to audition for the Ice Capades...but decided against it and instead spent a month enjoying the area. Good Luck to your daughter - what a culturally exciting place to study!

  10. I know this routine so well.

    This September I have my son, the last of three children, off for his first year of university in Bristol, England. We will be hiring a van to ship all his gear, but after reading your blog I feel like I have been let off easily as it is only three hours away for me.

  11. My daughter is planning on attending college in S.F. School of the Arts next year.
