I've been doing some research lately on table linens and I realize how sorely neglected my dining room table has become. We rarely eat in a formal setting and take most of our meals in font of the TV or at our desks. Since most of the time it is just my husband and I, my thought is that it's just too much trouble to set the table, but I realize that I am really cheating myself out of the experience of dining. One of my New Years resolutions will be to take more care in planning and executing our meals.
I love the simplicity of fine french table linens. The table above is to die for but sometimes you want something with a bit more color and pattern.
I ran across a fabulous website,
F & B Fine Linen that offers a full range of French table linens. They import only the finest brands and have a large assortment of beautiful, everyday and special occasion products.
These toppers are from Beauville and are almost too pretty to use.
Other lines carried are Sferra, Yves Delorme, Le Jacquard Francais, and Garnier Thiebaut.

These colors are divine, they make me want to redecorate.

Classic Provance, the rooster and chicken towels are done in wonderful color combination's that would brighten any kitchen.

Well, I'm off to set my table for dinner! Enjoy....
I love all the linens. I have also neglected my dining room table and I am on the hunt for something natural, linen and beautiful. Thanks for the tips!
i love the french linens.
there is a shop on ( i think 'rue jacob ' in paris where you would flip.)
they carry what you have posted. if you are interested i will get you the info.
much affection to you,
happy healhty NY
beautiful linens - I just wish they made linens that went all the way to the floor = make them longer!!!! then you could just tuck in the hem edge and puddle it. Happy New Years!!!
Very pretty! I'll take everything in the last two photos please!
And you're right, even when it's only "the two of us", we should make the effort to set a pretty table. After we've eaten at the island too many nights in a row, it's nice to actually sit in a chair (rather than "perch" on a stool) and have face-to-face conversation over pretty china and linens and maybe even a candle! We did it every night forever til the daughter started college and work and doesn't join us much anymore, so why stop now? Seemed easier, I guess... but not nearly as nice.
Thanks for your lovely blog and have a Happy New Year!
thanks for the absolutly beautiful blog,,,what great linens, nothing like a french linen, to tickle a girls toe...
happy new year.
I guess I am a simple girl at heart. The first images truly speaks to me.
What an inspiration to me this post has been!! My husband and I always eat in the family room in front of the TV and I have of late been thinking we are missing out by not dining in our beautiful diningroom on our gorgeous Minton china. So, with that being said, I am now making a resolution, with the help of your post today, to begin 2009 with dining properly at least two nights a week. I am excited! Hope my mate is just excited by this too, but somehow, I don't think he will be ......LOL
All these lovely tables are a real weakness for me.... I adore table linens!!!
Beautiful Jackie!!!
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