I got a fantastic surprise in the mail today - the first test strike offs of my fabric designs from Adaptive Textiles. It is amazing how quickly they can produce the finished product once they receive the art work. These are very rough - first test efforts printed on a fine cotton sateen. They don't look half bad if I do say so myself.

Now, I will be working on color variations and backgrounds. I have to say, this is the most fun I have ever had at work. I'm hooked!
I'm liking that damask!!!!!!
this is so exciting - i can imagine how much fun you are having! unreal.
Oh how fun and exciting! It's truly amazing watching the process through your eyes. Looking forward to the day they are available for sale!
Oh how fun and exciting! It's truly amazing watching the process through your eyes. Looking forward to the day they are available for sale!
Wow, how exciting! I love the damask!
I can see why you are hooked :)
You must be thrilled. I am living vicariously through the process with you, with envy, I might add. You are doing something that I have always wondered about and wished I had pursued long ago. I love seeing your color choices and designs. Thanks for keeping us updated in spite of your 24-7 schedule!
Ohhh.... how lucky you are, to be working with your own fabrics. I wish i loved men as much as i love fabrics. Ive only helped design and color wallpaper never fabric, best of luck and the colors and patterns as lovely!!!
Oh my how exciting! This sounds like such a fun project. They all look amazing. I can't wait to see what kind of tweaks you do with them. Keep us posted.
Thanks for sharing this terrific process and back story.
I love the green damask looking one alot.
And I love the "no bitchy client" part ha ha.
You're the best.
xo xo
Great nice blog post.....
oh ... so nice !
Looks like your job definitely is fun. I hope to see more of your work.Great job!
How fun is that! I was so excited you don't have a word verification thingy, I'm commenting again :)
Hi Jackie - I was sure I commented on these earlier this week - they're great! So exciting to see your designs come to life!!
Jackie, these are gorgeous!!
They look beautiful. I love the colors.
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