WOW! We already have hundreds of people registered for our BIG online event on March 31!
We are hosting a live, online, Launch Party for Studio 3.0 & Jackie Von Tobel Modules on Wednesday, March 31st at 1:00 PM (EST).
We will be revealing all the new features of Studio 3.0 and you'll be the first to preview the first Jackie module. Over $5,000 worth of door prizes will be given out during this live event (must be present to win). Merlyn Corcoran, and Caterina with Pate Meadows will be joining us as guest panelists.

Unfortunately, the class will only hold 1,000 attendees. Due to this restriction, we limited the number of private invitations to a select group of 7,500 Minutes Matter Fans and let me tell you the excitement is buzzing!!!
Would you like to know what the buzz is all about?

We are preparing for our biggest release ever! Over 3,000 hours have been invested into designing, developing, and illustrating Studio 3.0. Here are a few of the exciting features and functions we will be revealing during the party . . .
~ Studio 3.0 ~
- FREE!! All M'Fay & Pate Meadows Images Included: The latest illustrations from M'Fay Patterns & Pate Meadows collections are INCLUDED in Studio 3.0. Other software companies charge hundreds of dollars for a single M'Fay module; the result is a cost of nearly $5.00 per design!
- Exclusive Photo Scale Tool: This unique tool automatically adjusts the Drawing Scale just by knowing a dimension in a photograph.
- Exclusive "Step System:" A systematic process to quickly create renderings.
- Custom Index: Add your own custom design(s) or image(s) to the Main Index.
- Applied Trim: Trim has been applied to many of the Quick Designs to make illustrating even faster.
- One-Click Trim: Add trim to the drapery panel lead edges in only one click.
- Sleek New Look: Studio 3.0 has a new customized look. This sleek new design includes ribbon toolbars similar to the 2007 version of Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint.
- Quick Access Toolbar: Customize the toolbar to include your favorite features and functions.
- Icon Preview: Thumbnails images magnify when you hover over the image with your mouse without decreasing your workspace.
- Automatic Backup: Studio 3.0 includes an Automatic Backup feature to prevent accidentally losing your project.
- Ruler Bar Settings: Ruler bars can now be set in either feet, inches or centimeters.
- Professionally Illustrated Images: All Studio images have been completely re-illustrated to bring you fabulous, totally new, designer images.
- Pre-filled Images: All images are pre-filled with a neutral color palette to create a bigger impact when using the innovative "Design-in-5" technique.
- Drop Shadow Tool: Easily add a drop shadow to Studio images.
... we've saved the best for last ... the release of a Jackie Von Tobel Window Treatment Module!
~ Jackie Von Tobel Window Treatments (Module 1) ~
In addition to launching a new version of Studio, we will also be releasing the first of four modules from the must have resource, The Design Directory of Window Treatments by Jackie Von Tobel. Studio will be the ONLY graphic software program to offer these illustrations! Now you will have the ability to customize Jackie's renderings to meet your client's needs! All four Jackie Von Tobel Window Treatment Modules will be released throughout 2009. Module 1 includes . . .
- An assortment of designs taken from The Design Directory of Window Treatments.
- Over 250 designs are included in this first module; making it less than .69 cents per design!
- Important: Studio 3.0 upgrade is required to install the Jackie Von Tobel Modules. Studio 2.0 and Studio Lite 2.0 users are not eligible to add the Jackie Modules to their existing program.
Order TODAY . . .
Studio 3.0 (Upgrade) *SALE: $197* (Retail: $247)
(Use Promo Code: prelaunch3.0) (Use Promo Code: prelaunchJVT1)
*Remember only 250 Raving Fans will be able to order at these prices!* Note: If ordering Studio 3.0 & Jackie's Module, be sure to use both codes during checkout.
Upgrade: Click Here To Buy Now!
New Purchase: Click Here To Buy Now!
Door Prizes . . .
Don't forget, we are giving away over $5,000 worth of door prizes! So join us for your chance to win!!
Prize #1: Jackie Von Tobel Module ($197 value)
Prize #2: Studio Space Planning Module ($189 value)
Prize #3: Orion Designer Bag ($100 value)
Prize #4: Minutes Matter University Course Voucher ($49 value)
Prize #5: Studio 3.0 Upgrade ($247 value)
Prize #4: Minutes Matter University Course Voucher ($49 value)
Prize #5: Studio 3.0 Upgrade ($247 value)
Prize #6: IWCE/Vision09 Seminar Voucher from Grace McNamara
Inc. ($50 value)
Prize #7: Jackie Von Tobel Module ($197 value)
Prize #8: Nika Stewart's Email Newsletters for Designers book ($179 value)
Prize #8: Nika Stewart's Email Newsletters for Designers book ($179 value)
Prize #9: One-On-One QuickBooks 1-hour Training Session ($65 value)
Prize #10: Minutes Matter Measuring System ($125 value)
Prize #11: Studio Space Planning Module ($189 value)
Prize #10: Minutes Matter Measuring System ($125 value)
Prize #11: Studio Space Planning Module ($189 value)
Prize #12: Rowley Company's Finestra Decorative Hardware Sales Binder
($55 value)
Prize #13: Quick Start 2009 for Designers ($147 value)
Prize #14: Orion Iron Art, Wood Art, Italian Collection, Tropical Collection
Prize #14: Orion Iron Art, Wood Art, Italian Collection, Tropical Collection
(2 Sets of these 4-color selectors; $150 value)
Prize #15: Jackie Von Tobel Module ($197 value)
Prize #15: Jackie Von Tobel Module ($197 value)
Prize #16: Creative Camp 2010 Voucher from The Custom Sewing Institute
($1,000 value)
Prize #17: Studio 3.0 Upgrade ($247 value)
Prize #18: One-On-One Studio 1-hour Training Session ($65 value)
Prize #19: Minutes Matter University Course Voucher ($49 value)
Prize #18: One-On-One Studio 1-hour Training Session ($65 value)
Prize #19: Minutes Matter University Course Voucher ($49 value)
Prize #20: Jackie Von Tobel Module ($197 value)
Prize #21: Minutes Matter Measuring System ($125 value)
Prize #21: Minutes Matter Measuring System ($125 value)
Prize #22: Studio Space Planning Module ($189 value)
Prize #23: Interior Design Summit - Spring 2009 ($349 value)
Prize #24: Studio 3.0 Upgrade ($247 value)
Prize #25: Jackie Von Tobel Module ($197 value)
Prize #26: IWCE/Vision09 Seminar Voucher from Grace McNamara Inc. ($50 value)
Prize #27: M'Fay Patterns - Designer's Digest & Workroom Manual (includes new supplement 8) ($220 value) 
Check out the new Minutes Matter Blog here.
whoa. did you draw that?
ok, I'm going to sign up for something!!!! let me figure it all out.
congratulations Jackie = You are my idol. I'm so proud of all you've accomplished! It's awe inspiring. seriously- you are one (in Yiddish) balabusta! You need to be Jewish to know what that means! Basically it's a woman who can and does do everything and perfectly too! (and no - it's not a ball buster- it's just kind of sounds that way phoenitically!) haha - never realized that until now!
ok - what should I order - the whole package or what? let me go see again.
How exciting!
So glad you got teach at Margie's school too!
I will have to check out the minutes matter info;-)
Have a great week!
I really don't know how you do all of this, Jackie.
Your drawings are fantastic. I am still digesting all of the information in you last book. I can't wait for October, and now software?
Congratulations, Jackie. You are my idol.
Hi Jackie
It looks fantastic. Congratulations!!!!! You are a super-star.
I would love to get a copy of Minutes Matter but have they finally gotten with the millennium and made it MAC compatible?? Lovely fabrics - I would love to use this product! A savvy Apple using designer can only dream....
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